There are two types of stories you won't find in American Film™ – the results of box-office grosses and celebrity gossip. We focus on the art of the moving image and leave the financial matters to Wall Street and the showbiz trades. We're deeply interested in the artists' approach to their work, but we steer clear of the salacious stuff that fills so many supermarket tabloids and nightly television shows. But these standards won't stop us from reprinting "Now It Can Be Told," by Steve Govoni, from the February 1990 issue of American Film™. Govoni, the son of A.P. Govoni, editor of the New York-based Confidential, provides the inside scoop on the tabloids that started the tawdry, titillating trend of celebrity journalism in Hollywood. There is a surprisingly generous helping of redeeming social value in the form of cultural history in this piece, so go ahead – plunge in and enjoy.